Safest Countries In Africa For Tourists

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To most, traveling to Africa is something completely off the list of things they’re wanting to do and places they want to see. For others, Africa is a place that’s desired to go, however, it’s further down on the list of experiences to have for primarily one reason – questions surrounding safety.

Africa is an incredible continent – diverse, rugged, cultured, and somehow mysterious all at once. Wide open landscapes, wildlife, history and welcoming communities abound throughout the continent, but there is a very real truth in understanding that all places in Africa shouldn’t be on your “must see” list. There are dangerous cities, dangerous countries even, where most established governments would advise you to reconsider your travel plans.

However, those are few and far between, and the reality is that traveling to Africa is perhaps as welcoming and inviting as has ever been the case. While, yes, the landscape and culture of most countries will be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, some of the most desirable places in the world to visit exist in Africa.

So, if you’re traveling to Africa you might ask “what are some of the safest countries in Africa for tourists?” Even more specifically, “where is the safest place for a tourist to see in Africa?” There are many potential answers, depending on what you’re looking to experience, but we can dive right in with some of the best options and safest countries for tourists to visit in Africa.

Best Countries To Visit In Africa

When you’re deciding where you want to travel to in Africa, you really should consider what type of travel you want, and of course what you’re looking to do. If you’re looking for adventure, you can go too far, considering Africa has some of the poorest nations in the world. For example, just because Anthony Bourdain and his crew were able to secure the proper permits and safety to visit the Congo doesn’t make it a great idea for you. However, would you believe me if I said most of the continent is completely safe to visit?

We’ll break that down for you bit by bit, and cover what we consider to be the safest countries in Africa.


Botswana, located just north of South Africa, and sharing borders with Namibia and Zimbabwe, highlights what is probably the safest region of africa for tourists, without question.

The southern tip of Africa, but not really including South Africa (which has had increasing security concerns over the past few years) is a popular spot for safaris, and since Botswana gained its independence as a former British colony, the country has flourished in recent years.

The natural habitat is break-taking, and generally safe. Not only this, but from a price standpoint Botswana is one of the more affordable safari countries in Africa.


Seychelles is gorgeous, simply put. This idealistic island group about 400 miles east of Kenya is like Africa’s version of Fiji. There’s no reason to feel threatened here according to the numbers, and visiting places like Mahe feel like visiting the most beautifully uninhabited places in the world.


Namibia, Botswana’s previously mentioned neighbor, is the second most sparsely populated country in world, largely due to the Namib desert. However, it’s also full of great wildlife, and is the site of the largest free-roaming cheetah populations in the world with more than 3,000 in existence!

One of the best things to see is the Etosha National Park, where you can have a true safari experience in one of the most diverse natural settings for wildlife in all of Africa.


Located on the Gulf of Guinea next to the Ivory Coast, Ghana is a stunningly beautiful natural environment with some of the best beaches in Africa. Make sure to visit the Mole and Kakum National Parks, where Diana monkeys and elephants roam in high number!

Ghana is growing from a tourism volume perspective, and is expected to nearly double over the next ten years. While Western Africa is typically considered one of the least secure areas of Africa, Ghana is the outlier that gives the rest of the region a picture of what it could be.


Malawi has made a lot of governmental changes that have stabilized the economy and reduced crime, making it increasingly popular for people seeking a quaint experience in this small southern country. As time passes Malawi takes on more of the strengths as other countries in Southern Africa, such as Namibia.


Mozambique is one of the best places for outdoor fun in Africa, with some of the best swimming, snorkeling, and general water activities anywhere. Malawi’s larger neighbor to the south, Mozambique’s eastern coast is one of the most breath-taking places in Africa, and an ideal location for tourists looking for a great experience.


Kenya is on the way up. Previously, Kenya had the reputation as a dangerous country, but with increased security and the kindness of the people, more travelers are considering Kenya as a part of their travel plans.


Morocco is one of the most popular countries to visit in Africa, but you do have to travel intelligently. Petty crime is fairly common, and you’ll likely be approached by numerous schemers trying to pick a pocket or get you to overpay for some type of traveler’s nick-knack. If you keep your eyes forward, keep your valuables secure, and travel intelligently, you’ll have a great time and see some of the best places to visit in Africa – like Casablanca and Fez.


Surprised to see Egypt on the list? Well, it’s not the safest country in Africa by far, but with the huge demand of people wanting to see the Cradle of Civilization, it’s worth mentioning that innumerable guided tour groups help make traveling to Egypt much safer.

While still under recommended restriction by most European countries and the United States, you can travel to places like Luxor and Cairo and have a great time – as long as you rely on an expert that’s been there before.


The site of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania is one of the more popular places to visit in Africa. It has a close, neighborly feeling, and is a place that is generally considered safe.


Petty crimes are fairly common in Zambia, but it’s also the site of one of the 7 Wonders of the World – Victoria Falls. Make sure to have a money belt when you travel here, but Zambia has become quite popular, and is one of the safer countries we feel, as well as one that offers much to see and do.

Should Tourists Feel Safe in Africa?

In general, tourists should feel safe in Africa. While the continent’s reputation hasn’t been the best over several decades, improved governance and greater education about this mysterious place has helped people to realize that danger exists anywhere if you aren’t smart about how you travel, and that Africa isn’t more dangerous than anywhere else – for the most part.

Yes, some countries have benefitted on this list from lower populations, but even those that have seen consistent growth are showing up as major tourist areas, becoming some of the safest countries in Africa for tourists to visit.

Common Travel Tips to Stay Safe in Africa

Traveling to Africa can be an exciting and enriching experience, but it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to stay safe. Here are some tips to help you have a safe and enjoyable trip:

  1. Research your destination: Before you go, learn as much as you can about the country or countries you’ll be visiting. This includes information on the culture, customs, and laws, as well as any areas that are known to be dangerous or off-limits to travelers.
  2. Check travel advisories: The U.S. Department of State and other government agencies issue travel advisories for countries around the world, including those in Africa. Be sure to check these advisories before you depart and keep yourself updated during your trip.
  3. Learn some basic phrases: Knowing some basic phrases in the local language can be very helpful, especially if you need to communicate with locals or emergency services.
  4. Dress conservatively: Africa is a diverse continent, with different cultures, customs, and religions. It’s best to be aware of these differences, and dress conservatively, it will show respect and help you blend in.
  5. Be aware of your surroundings: It’s important to be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially in crowded areas or when walking alone. Try to avoid isolated or poorly lit areas, and be particularly cautious at night.
  6. Use caution with transportation: Be sure to use reputable and licensed transportation companies and avoid hailing taxis off the street. Learn about the transportation options available in the area you will be visiting.
  7. Be prepared for emergencies: It’s a good idea to have a plan in case of emergency, and to carry important information with you, such as your passport, insurance details, and contact information for the local embassy or consulate.
  8. Be aware of health risks: Before you travel, consult with a healthcare professional and learn about any health risks in the areas you’ll be visiting. Make sure you have all the necessary vaccinations and take any prophylactic medications as recommended.
  9. Respect the culture and customs: It is important to remember that Africa is a diverse continent with different cultures and customs, so it is important to be respectful of these differences. Avoid controversial or sensitive topics of conversation and observe local customs and etiquette.
  10. Be prepared to go with the flow: Africa is a continent where the unexpected is a daily occurrence. Be prepared to go with the flow and not have things go as planned.

Africa can be a fascinating and rewarding place to visit, with a wealth of history, culture, and natural beauty to explore. By following these tips and using common sense, you can minimize the risks and ensure a safe and enjoyable trip

So, where would you like to see in Africa?

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